HR Signal: The EU Whistleblowing Directive

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Health, Safety and Wellbeing

Putting health, safety and the wellbeing of employees at the centre is a key aspect of sustaining employer branding and organisational attractiveness. This is why it is crucial to have an experienced health, safety and wellbeing lawyer as part of your team.
We offer advice on creating a safe working environment and ensuring employee wellbeing in the workplace. We support employers in identifying and minimising risks. We have a proactive approach to working with our clients and assisting them in setting up and implementing preventative and remedial measures.

We represent employers and managers in OHS infringement cases, constantly aiming to reduce legal and individual liability. We also take part in workplace inspections by external supervisory authorities and help to implement post-inspection recommendations. Furthermore, we strive to provide employers with prompt, strategic advice in response to compliance requests and notices, administrative fines and all types of allegations.
We advise on how to minimise employer OHS liability in the COVID-19 era. We help employers to avoid the pitfalls in post-accident proceedings that may lead to increased employer liability for workplace accidents. We aim to navigate them through the complexities of compensation and redress for workplace accident litigation.

We carry out OHS audits, including OHS for remote working, covering in particular such issues as workplace adjustments for remote working, occupational risk assessment, division of responsibility for OHS and monitoring OHS compliance in remote working.

We facilitate cooperation with OHS specialists in the following areas and more:

  • carrying out OHS management system audits,
  • providing training for OHS services, employers performing OHS duties, employees and employee managers,
  • preparing occupational risk documentation,
  • preparing post-accident documentation,
  • keeping OHS records.

We support our clients in activities related to employee welfare, including developing a wellbeing strategy preceded by a wellbeing audit at the company, identification of the key areas for change, setting goals and assisting in the strategy implementation.

Our experts

Karolina Schiffter

Advocate, Partner

Karolina Schiffter

Ph. D. Gaweł Bezeg

ATTORNEY AT LAW, senior lawyer

Ph. D. Gaweł Bezeg