HR Signal: The EU Whistleblowing Directive

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Corporate social responsibility – HR policy is the key


Employers are increasingly focusing on building and developing value-based businesses.

It shows that they are aware of the fact that being socially conscious not only has a significant impact on their company image but also gives economic benefits. The values upheld by a company may, in particular, be related to its activity profile – for example companies offering environmental solutions or products that will actively promote the idea of caring for the environment in the marketplace and among their employees. Also their universal values and attitudes should be evident. For example, international corporations build their image based on the development of a work environment that embraces multiculturalism and employee diversity in terms of their gender, religion or sexual orientation.

Promoting certain values in an effective and genuine manner requires commitment and understanding on the employees part, as well as consistency and accountability in everyday decision-making by these employees. Companies should not just pay lip-service but live and breathe their values every day. – Bartosz Wszeborowski and Michał Bodziony for Contact Online issued by the British Polish Chamber of Commerce (BPCC).

Article here.