HR Signal: The EU Whistleblowing Directive

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I HR Compliance Summit

We invite you to the I HR Compliance Summit PCS Paruch Chruściel Schiffter | Littler Global.

We will explain, in simple and practical terms, how to make sure that your business builds on compliance.

PCS and Littler work with thousands of companies from around the world. Our clients and colleagues come from many countries with vast experience in implementing effective corporate compliance mechanisms. We aim to share this unique knowledge with you during the event.

Our panelists will share: MORE.

Agenda: HERE.

Date: October 6th, 2021| 9:00-15:00, on-line.

Free participation. Register: here.

REPORT: Trade secrets – what and how to protect from the competition

We invite you to read the report “Trade secrets – what and how to protect from the competition.” Which is a practical guide for everyone who would like to ensure a higher level of security for their know-how and business secrets.

The report covers, among others, the following issues:

  • what is economic espionage;
  • which industries are most exposed to illegal actions by competitors;
  • what kind of materials are the target of economic espionage;
  • what methods are used to obtain know-how and trade secrets illegally.

Authors: Bartosz Tomanek, Bartosz Wszeborowski and Patryk Kozieł.

The report was published jointly with Rzeczpospolita.

Can AI layoff an employee?

Algorithms are used by companies not only in the recruiting process, but also in dismissals, when employees’ work needs to be evaluated. It is happening in Poland as well. – Marcin Szlasa-Rokicki and Bartosz Wszeborowski comment for Dziennik Gazeta Prawna.

Article: here.

#alert: As of today, all citizens of Ukraine are exempt from the entry ban

  • Important changes in coronavirus restrictions on cross-border traffic.
  • As of today, all citizens of Ukraine are exempt from the entry ban!
  • Restrictions no longer apply also to children of foreigners working in Poland and residence permit holders!

According to yesterday’s amendments to the regulation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on temporary suspension or restriction of border traffic, as of today, the categories of persons exempt from the restriction on entering Poland from outside of the European Union include all citizens of Ukraine. Ukrainian citizens already covered by one of the exempt categories (e.g. workers authorized to perform work in Poland) no longer have to present documentation confirming the exemption at the border. Ukrainian citizens not previously covered by any exempt category, e.g. spouses wishing to accompany Ukrainian workers in their travel to Poland, no longer have to seek individual approval of the border guard at the border and fear they will be denied entry. Now the standard “pre-coronavirus” regulations on border crossing apply to all of the above cases. However, a quarantine requirement may still apply after crossing the border.

Additional amendments to the regulation also facilitate the entry to Poland of children under the care of foreigners holding “Karta Polaka”, permanent or temporary residence permit, or working legally in Poland. From now on, children under the care of such foreigners are also exempt from the entry ban, regardless of the passport they hold.

Bartosz Tomanek takes over the role of the Senior Lawyer managing the PCS | Littler Team in Gdańsk

From the first of September advocate Bartosz Tomanek takes over the role of the Senior Lawyer managing the PCS | Littler Team in Gdańsk.

Bartosz is an experienced advisor appreciated by clients for his pragmatism and efficiency. He advises on a full range of issues, in particular HR compliance and whistleblowing. He supports clients in conducting internal investigations, including internal irregularities, mobbing, discrimination, harassment, or managerial abuses. Bartosz holds the certificate of Approved Whistleblowing Compliance Officer.

Gdańsk and the Pomerania voivodeship are an area of strong activity for PCS | Littler Clients. We are strengthening our Team by putting an experienced and creative-thinking advisor at its forefront.  We are confident that entrepreneurs from Pomerania will appreciate the strongest points of Bartosz as well as of our firm.” – says Slawomir Paruch, Partner at PCS | Littler.


PCS Paruch Chruściel Schiffter | Littler Global is a global first-choice HR law firm that advises on all HR matters related to employment , global mobility & Immigration, salaries and bonuses, compliance, ZFŚS, ZUS, court disputes, restructuring, incentive and loyalty rules, working time, pension programs, PPK, PPE and personal data.

PCS | Littler team consists of approx. 80 experienced lawyers, immigration consultants and administrative support. The firm has its offices in six cities: Warszawa, Katowice, Kraków, Poznań, Wrocław and Gdansk. Littler’s global footprint is now comprised of more than 1,600 attorneys in 26 countries, in 100 offices.

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