HR Signal: The EU Whistleblowing Directive

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Register of contracts for specific work from 2021

Many entrepreneurs resign from the contract for a specific work and transfer such a person, e.g. to a full-time job or a mandate agreement. Please note that if they resign from the contract for a specific work and trasfer such a person, e.g to a mandate agreement it will appear in the ZUS registers as such and a question will arise what has changed in relations with the contractor of the work since the new year. This may lead to inspections for previous years and questioning the contracts used so far. – Łukasz Chruściel comments for Rzeczpospolita.


The task of lawyers is to enable the efficient functioning of companies

The task of lawyers is to enable the efficient functioning of companies – attorney-at-law Sławomir Paruch in an interview with editor Wojciech Tumidalski for RZECZoPRAWIE.

About development @PCS Paruch Chruściel Schiffter | Littler, establishing cooperation with Littler, pandemic and standards of cooperation with lawyers.

We encourage to see the interview: here.

Flights from UK to Poland planned to be suspended from 22 December

The Polish government announced via the media that flights from the UK will be suspended from Tuesday (i.e. as of midnight between Monday and Tuesday).

In addition, there are plans to introduce a 10-day quarantine in case of arrivals from the Schengen area, at least for arrivals by “collective transport”. It is not known yet whether the quarantine will also apply to travels by plane.

Travelers that have already taken vaccinations against COVID-19 would be exempt from the post-arrival quarantine.

Despite the planned introduction of quarantine for arrivals from the Schengen area, it appears there are no plans to re-introduce controls at Schengen borders. The responsibility for reporting travellers for the purpose of imposing quarantine will be transferred to the transport companies.

For now, the actual texts of draft regulations are not available. Due to the short timeframe, we assume the regulations will be published at the last moment and the drafts of regulations may not be available for review prior to publication.

European employers during the pandemic

How has the work culture and its organization changed in Europe? The answer to this question can be found in the research report “Littler European Employer COVID-19”. The respondents represented employers of various sizes – both the largest players in the world economy employing over 10 000 people and smaller employers employing 100 or fewer people – Miłosz Awedyk and Jakub Grabowski comment for Personel Plus.

Terminating employment during the pandemic

Can you terminate an employment contract online? Coronavirus has been our new reality for eight months now, and many of us have largely transitioned to remote working. It seems that many aspects of the work we do, as well as our HR tasks, do not necessarily have to be done on-site with physical participation from both parties. But what about firing employees? – Karolina Kanclerz and Julita Kołodziejska comment for Contact Magazine.

Article: here.

#alert: A list of insurance policies accepted for purposes of Polish visa application has been published

Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs has published a list of insurers and insurance policies that meet the conditions indicated in Art. 25 sec. 1 point 2 lit. a and paragraph 1b of the Act of 12 December 2013 on foreigners, i.e. the conditions which an insurance policy must meet in order to be sufficient in the process of obtaining a Polish national Visa, applicable from 1 December 2020.

The list is available for download on the Ministry’s website, in the visa tab ( at the bottom of the page.

Individual Polish consulates are not bound by the list published by the Ministry – in individual cases, the consulate processing a visa application may still verify whether the insurance certificate submitted with the application meets the requirements. A foreigner attending a visa appointment should therefore ensure that his/her insurance certificate confirms each of the applicable requirements, as discussed below:

In addition to the requirements existing before 1 December 2020 (regarding minimum insurance amount, minimum insurance scope, and minimum validity period), additional requirements have been introduced as of 1 December 2020, relating directly to insurance companies. According to them, the insurer providing the travel medical insurance:

1) must provide a 24-hour alarm center service, and

2a) must have its seat or branch in Poland, EU, EEA or Switzerland, or

2b) must meet additional conditions, i.e. publish results of an audit of its activities, carried out by a recognized international audit entity, indicating its stable financial situation, and publish data at least once every six months about the sum of collected premiums and the size of payments in a given type of insurance.

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