#Alert: Remote work and alcohol and drug tests
Yesterday the Polish Parliament enacted the long expected law on remote work and alcohol and drug tests.
What is new in remote work?
- regulations will enter into force 2 months after the date of publication (Q1 2023),
- remote work may be carried out wholly or partly at location indicated by employee and agreed withemployer,
- the employers will be able to monitor employees at the location of remote work,
- employers will be obliged to cover the costs of remote work (lump sum/equivalent),
- occasional remote work will amount to 24 days per year.
What is new re: sobriety checks?
- the regulations will enter into force 14 days after the date of publication (possibly December 2022/January 2023),
- employers will be able to introduce sobriety checks for alcohol and other drugs if it is necessary to ensure protection of life and health of other employees or bystanders or the protection of property,
- employers will use certified breathalysers or drug tests for the test,
- sobriety tests will also be applicable for remote workers.
We have been preparing for those changes for a long time and have developed recommendations & solutions that fully meet the requirements of the new laws.
We are ready to support you in adapting to the new legislation. We recommend acting now.
Feel free to contact your Partner at PCS | Littler.