Changes to the Foreign Nationals Act: right direction, slow pace – a guide
We invite you to get to know the guide “Changes to the Foreign Nationals Act: right direction, slow pace“.
A major revamp of the regulations for employing non-nationals has been long-awaited by entrepreneurs. They have been calling for years to simplify and accelerate employment legalisation procedures for non-nationals. Although the latest January amendment is one of the most far-reaching immigration law reforms in the last few years, it is still a drop in the ocean of needs. – Karolina Schiffter, Tomasz Rogala, Kinga Polewka-Włoch, Maciej Zabawa, Oskar Kwiatkowski, Marcin Snarski, Ewa Wysocka, Aleksander Dżuryło, Katarzyna Wójcik and Zofia Pawelec comment for Dziennika Gazety Prawnej.
Guide: here.