#ALERT: Possibility of entering Poland by foreigners in the face of the war in Ukraine
In connection with Russia’s attack on Ukraine, we are starting a series of entries about the possibilities of supporting employees from Ukraine (already employed in Poland) and solutions related to the arrival and stay in Poland of foreigners leaving Ukraine.
Today’s attack by Russia on Ukraine caused some of the citizens of Ukraine to flee to Poland. Due to attacks on Ukrainian cities, Polish consular posts have suspended their operation and it is not possible to obtain visas to Poland.
However, Ukrainian citizens can still enter Poland, e.g. on the basis of visa-free movement (if they hold a biometric passport). The period of stay in Poland without visa applies for up to 90 days, with the possibility of its further extension.
Foreigners who want to leave Ukraine, but do not have a visa or the option of visa-free movement, have the opportunity to apply for entry to Poland for a period of 15 days (on the basis of a permit granted by the Border Guard at the border). It is also possible to apply for international protection (e.g. refugee status) – in this case, the foreigner may be directed to one of the prepared reception points after crossing the border if does not have accommodation in Poland.
On the border with Ukraine, since February 19 there are no longer restrictions on the entry of foreigners due to the coronavirus pandemic. It means that potentially every foreigner may cross the Polish border, despite the ongoing epidemic. It is also not necessary for example, to have a negative test result or confirmation of vaccination against Covid-19 to enter Poland.
At the same time, urgent work is underway on a new regulation aimed at eliminating quarantine after entry to Poland for persons arriving from Ukraine. The government is also developing further technical and legal solutions in order to prepare for the arrival of a large group of foreigners to Poland.
Due to the ongoing pandemic of coronavirus, regulations extending automatically the possibility of staying in Poland on the basis of visas or permits held by foreigners are still in force in Poland. The special regulations enable the continuation of stay by persons who, for example, will not be able to submit an application extending their further stay in Poland due to the large number of applications.
The increase in the number of applications submitted by foreigners may also result in the extension of processing time for permits for foreigners who submitted their applications earlier.
Due to increased traffic at border crossings and the possibility of introducing movement restrictions by the Ukrainian authorities, people who are considering coming to Poland, e.g. in connection with the planned start of work, should come to Poland as soon as possible.