HR Signal: The EU Whistleblowing Directive

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Collective disputes in practice

When conducting collective disputes, trade unions often undertake a number of activities that raise serious legal questions. Employers are frequently confronted with situations in which union activists make impossible demands, refuse to engage in dialogue, conduct questionable strike referendums, or attempt to organize illegal strikes. – Michał Bodziony and Kinga Ciosk answer most frequently asked questions in an article for Parkiet.

The article in Polish is avialible here.

Employer will pay for AI discrimination

Employers should introduce procedures and policies for AI use for their own safety. It is important to keep in mind, that while employer can inspect the basic data before submitting it into AI and review the results, this is not the case with an AI inner process itself. It necessary to prepare for this well in advance. It is an employer who will pay for AI discrimination. – Karolina Kanclerz comments for Rzeczpospolita.

The article in Polish is avialible here.

Road transport: Drivers’ posting after changes

On 19 August 2023, the act of 28 July 2023 on posting of drivers in road transport (Journal of Laws, item 1523; further act on posting of drivers) came into force. It was long awaited by employers of drivers in the transport industry. The dynamically changing reality and the free movement of people, goods, and services within the EU, forced the introduction of appropriate regulations for employment of drivers, including their remuneration and working time. – Karolina Kanclerz and Michalina Lewandowska-Alama comment in special edition of Dziennik Gazeta Prawna.

The article in Polish is avialible here.

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