HR Signal: The EU Whistleblowing Directive

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Supreme Court: Loss of trust is not an excuse to terminate employment contract

Loss of trust as a reason for termination of employment in any case requires increased vigilance and in-depth analysis of the facts. Although loss of trust for an employee cannot be a legitimate reason for termination without notice, under the normal procedure (i.e. with notice period) it can. This has been confirmed by the Supreme Court on several occasions, indicating that termination due to loss of trust will be justified if “it is based on objective and rational grounds and is not the result of arbitrary assessments or subjective prejudices”. – Mariusz Maksis comments for Rzeczpospolita.

Article here.

Fixed-term contracts supposed to be so simple

1. Following regulatory changes, fixed-term contracts will give employees more job security.

2. It may turn out that those employed on fixed-term contracts may have stronger protection than those on indefinite period contracts.

3. It cannot be ruled out that reasons for termination of fixed-term contracts will have to be constructed in a qualified way and will be subject to a stricter assessment.

Sławek Paruch and Kinga Ciosk comment for Rzeczpospolita.

Article: here.

Refusal of remote working? The labour inspector will only check the dates

I agree with the National Labour Inspectorate position that inspectors do not have the competence to question the reasons for employer’s refusal. The inspectors cannot verify whether the employer actually prevents remote working to the extent requested by the employee. It is the employer, who determines the organisation of work in the company. – Bartosz Tomanek comments for Dziennik Gazeta Prawna.

Article: here.

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