HR Signal: The EU Whistleblowing Directive

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Changes in Employee Capital Plans (PPK) – what employers should prepare for?

The amendment to the PPK regulations was included as one of the provisions of realising  duties financed by European funds in the financial prospects 2021 – 2027, so it may have escaped the attention of some employers. We have analysed the changes that were introduced, below you will find the most important ones. – Paweł Sych and Kinga Ciosk comment for magazine Rekruter.

Article: here.  

Employment of Ukrainian citizens and their families based on the Special Act

When the war on Ukraine broke out, many people fled from the military conflict to Poland. As a result, Polish legislature quite quickly adopted special legal solutions to define their status and simplify their employment opportunities. The Special Act introduces facilitations primarily for Ukrainian citizens. In some cases, citizens of other countries will also be able to benefit from them, as long as they belong to the immediate family of a Ukrainian citizen, as mentioned in the article. – Karolina Schiffter comments for quarterly Food Lex.

Article: here. 

The right to be offline

Working from any place on earth some time ago was just a distant dream, but now is a real option, that opens worldwide job market. There are some disadvantages, though. One of them being the culture of constantly accessible employee. Being responsive definitely should be seen in positive light but remembering about the balance between work and private life is also very important. – Karolina Kanclerz comments for Polska Agencja Rozwoju Przedsiębiorczości.

Article: here. 

New technologies in HR – what do employers need to be ready for?

The impact of new technologies on employment is increasingly widespread and visible. It is expressed in the automation and algorithmisation of work, as well as in the streamlining of its administrative and organisational levels. In article we discuss some of the increasingly popular applications of innovative solutions in HR. – Michał Bodziony and Kinga Ciosk comment for Contact Online magazine.

Article: here.

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