HR Signal: The EU Whistleblowing Directive

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Karolina Kanclerz has joined the team of PCS | Littler Senior Partners

We are happy to announce that at the beginning of 2022 Karolina Kanclerz has joined the team of PCS | Littler Senior Partners.

Karolina is managing the PCS Team in Wrocław. She has extensive experience in pragmatic support of businesses in HR law and compliance including employment restructuring, hiring, and firing of senior executives. Using her many years of litigation experience, she assists Clients in the process of investigations on the grounds of mobbing and discrimination.


PCS Paruch Chruściel Schiffter Stępień | Littler Global is currently the largest Polish HR law firm specializing in everything to do with HR and employment law, including hiring and dismissal, global mobility and immigration, remuneration and bonus schemes, compliance, Company Social Benefits Fund, the Social Insurance Institution, litigation, restructuring, motivation and loyalty programmes, work time, retirement schemes, employee savings and retirement plans, personal data protection.

The four founding partners of PCS are: Sławomir Paruch, attorney at law; Karolina Schiffter, advocate; Łukasz Chruściel, attorney at law; and Robert Stępień, attorney at law. PCS’ team consists of over 100 experienced lawyers, immigration consultants and administrative support. The firm has its offices in five cities: Warszawa, Katowice, Kraków, Poznań and now Wrocław, but plans further expansion to accommodate all of their Client’ needs.

Happy Easter!

On the occasion of the upcoming Easter, we wish you many happy and kind moments, spent in family atmosphere and many personal and professional successes.

2022 International Conference On Labor Law

Please join us for a comprehensive review of recent labor law updates across Europe. This full day conference, designed for HR professionals, in-house counsel, judges, scholars and students, will explore topics ranging from telework to artificial intelligence, including an interactive roundtable on the workplace in the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic. Presentations will be offered in Portuguese, Spanish and English.

Session: A Look at Artificial Intelligence and Working Conditions Around Europe.

Date: 20 April, 2022, 16:30-17:45 WEST.

Speaker: Sławomir Paruch.

Please find more details: here. 

Reserve soldier under company’s special protection

Training for reservists is scheduled to begin in early April. It is estimated that the army may recruit as many as 200 thousand people, including employees who will not be able to perform their duties under the employment contract during their service. This has a significant impact on employers, who may run out of workers overnight. – Marcin Szlasa-Rokicki and Kinga Rozbicka comment for Rzeczpospolita.

Article: here.

#ALERT: Special bill – Ukrainians will obtain visas in Poland, Belarusians will legalize their stay more easily (if a minister issues an additional regulation)

The government accelerated work on further amendments to the special bill on helping Ukrainian citizens fleeing the war. The Polish Parliament will start work on the bill today (6 April 2022).

According to earlier announcements, the draft was meant to clarify problems that emerged in the application of the special bill in practice. However, the changes related to the stay and employment of foreigners go much further – some of them (e.g. in the field of issuing visas) are a revolution.

The most important changes for the stay and employment of foreigners included in the draft are:

  • suspension of the deadlines for processing cases regarding residence permits for foreigners until 31 December 2022 – at the same time the Immigration Office will not bear the consequences of delays;
  • issuing visas for foreigners already residing in Poland (without submitting an application at a Polish consulate abroad) – groups of foreigners eligible for obtaining visas will be specified in a separate regulation;
  • simplification of the criteria for a residence permit based on running a business in Poland – for Ukrainian citizens who are registered as individual entrepreneurs in Poland;
  • possibility of obtaining a residence permit for a period of 3 years on simplified terms for holders of humanitarian visas – in practice the eligible foreigners are mainly citizens of Belarus, but the list of countries will also be determined in a separate regulation;
  • specification of the procedure for obtaining a PESEL identification number by people who fled Ukraine before the war, e.g. in a situation where a foreigner already had a PESEL number from the period of previous residence in Poland;
  • possibility of earlier submission of applications for temporary residence by Ukrainians who fled to Poland due to the war and work as drivers in international transport – for this group of foreigners it will not be necessary to wait 9 months from the moment of arrival to Poland before submitting the application.

We can expect further changes to the content of the draft during parliamentary work.

Many of the ideas contained in the project had not been previously announced and were not included in public consultations. Our team takes part in proposing further amendments to the draft.

It is planned that the draft will pass quickly through the legislative process in the parliament. This means that changes can come into effect even within a few days.

However, the practical implementation of some of them requires both the issuance of additional regulations and, for example, the preparation of infrastructure by the administration.

Trade unionists’ special protection scope is not unlimited

The special employment protection under the Trade Union Act, which in principle may be lifted only by Trade Union’s approval to terminate contract, is undoubtedly appealing. At the same time however, it entails the risk of misuse consisting in instrumental joining and taking up functions in trade union organizations by employees who would like to protect themselves against dismissal. – Kinga Polewka-Włoch and Kinga Krzysztofik comment for ius.focus.

Article: here.

Special act on help for Ukraine and employment. What employers ask about during trainings

Even though the special act on help for citizens of Ukraine in relation to the armed conflict on the territory of this country has been in force only since March 12, 2022, it has already had several amendments. Not all issues have been clarified, and employers still have many questions when hiring refugees. We answer the most frequently asked questions during trainings. – Karolina Schiffter and Aleksander Dżuryło comment for Dziennik Gazeta Prawna.

Article: here. 

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