HR Signal: The EU Whistleblowing Directive

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Extension of restriction of international flights

Limitation of international flights in Poland has been extended until June 16, following new regulation published on June 5.

An exception applicable to chartered flights remains unchanged – inbound charter flights of small planes of up to 15 passenger seats are allowed if they only carry persons eligible to cross Polish border (i.e. Polish nationals and limited categories of foreigners).

Restrictions on crossing Polish border are currently foreseen until June 12. Extension depends on coronavirus situation in Poland and is possible to be announced last-minute.

Categories of foreigners eligible to cross Polish border remain unchanged – in particular, foreigners with dependent visas who do not work in Poland remain ineligible. Quarantine rules remain unchanged – currently, majority of inbound travellers is still subject to 14 days obligatory quarantine.

Restrictions on domestic flights in Poland were lifted on June 1.

The ‘Anti-crisis Shield 4.0.’

On June 4, 2020, The ‘Anti-crisis Shield 4.0.’ approved by Sejm

The most important changes refers to the possibility of obtaining remuneration subsidies for employees who are not covered by economic stoppage or reduced working time; clarifying the rules for performing remote work or to the possibility of unilaterally granting up to 30 days of overdue leave.

In addition, the new Act: allows employers for termination of non-competition agreement binding after termination of employment with a 7-day notice; limits the amount of severance allowance up to 10 times the minimum salary and envisages the possibility of suspending the social fund or reducing the payment for social fund.

See more details below.

1. Employer who has experienced a decrease in economic turnover can apply for co-financing of remuneration for employees who are not covered by economic stoppage or reduced working time.

2. The rules for performing remote work have been clarified:

a) employees can work remotely if they have sufficient technical and housing conditions to perform work in such a way;
b) the employer should provide the resources, materials and logistics services necessary to perform remote work;
c) employees may use their own resources provided that the security of information and personal data is ensured;
d) employees performing remote work keep a record of activities performed according to the employer’s instructions.

3. During the period of the epidemic / emergency status, employer has the right to terminate non-competition agreement binding after the employment relationship with a 7-day notice period. It refers also to non-competition agreement binding after termination of mandate contract, service contract or contract for specific work.

4. The employer is entitled to introduce economic stoppage/reduce working time up  to 20% (no more than 0.5 full-time) regardless the decrease in turnover:

a) no specific % decrease in turnover is required (unless the employer wants to apply for a remuneration subsidy);
b) condition for using the abovementioned solutions is the increase in costs of remunerations in relation to the revenues from sale of goods or services;
c) the maximum period of using this solution is up to 12 months from the end of the epidemic;
d) an agreement with trade unions or employee representatives is required.

5. During the period of the epidemic / emergency status, the employer may unilaterally grant employee up to 30 days of overdue annual leave.

6. During the period of the epidemic / emergency status, provided that the employer has a % decrease in turnover or an increase in the cost of remuneration within the meaning of the Act:

a) the amount of severance allowance and other benefits due to termination of employment is limited to 10 times the minimum remuneration;
b) employer may suspend the obligation to create social fund and make deductions as well as the obligation to pay holiday benefits;
c) operation of other funds or fulfill social and living obligations (excluding conditions of employment contracts) and apply the statutory amount of payment for social fund are suspended.

7. Reduction of daily and weekly rest, introduction of equivalent working time system and a settlement period extended to maximum 12 months or application of less favorable employment conditions than those resulting from employment contracts is possible not only in the event of a decrease in turnover by %, but also in the event of the increase in remuneration costs in relation to revenues, as defined in the Act.

8. Inspections at the entrepreneur – with the entrepreneur’s consent  inspection activities may be carried out via a postal operator or electronic means of communication.

If you run a business while being on childcare leave you will receive stoppage allowance – ministry confirms. It is worth appealing against negative decision from Social Insurance Institution (ZUS)

Readers inform that ZUS issues negative decisions in such cases, because in its opinion the entrepreneur is subject to social insurance under two separate legal titles. Not only experts but also ministry of labor have the opposite opinion – Łukasz Chruściel, attorney-at-law for Dziennik Gazeta Prawna.

Article is available here.

PCS Paruch Chruściel Schiffter has joined the global platform of Littler

We are pleased to announce that PCS Paruch Chruściel Schiffter has joined the global platform of Littler, the world’s largest employment and labor law practice representing management. Littler’s global footprint is now comprised of more than 1,500 attorneys in 23 countries, in 80 offices.

“Joining the Littler is a part of the adopted development strategy of PCS. We serve international clients, so it is natural that we want to be present in other jurisdictions, too. By joining forces with Littler we give our clients access to proven, well-functioning structure, global experience and knowledge, and, most importantly, a wide range of experienced lawyers. Thanks to combining these advantages, we can efficiently coordinate international projects.” – explains Sławomir Paruch, founding partner of PCS Paruch Chruściel Schiffter.

“We are excited to have been chosen by the strongest international player on the employment & labor legal advisory market. We highly appreciate it and it is a great distinction for PCS. We believe that the joint forces of both firms will constitute an excellent offer on the market for entrepreneurs seeking legal support in the field of HR that meets the highest legal and business standards.” – said Łukasz Chruściel, Karolina Schiffter and Robert Stępień, founding partners of PCS Paruch Chruściel Schiffter.

“Through our actions we prove that at PCS we think globally and act locally. We are present in economically important regions in Poland, supporting local clients.“ – adds Karolina Kanclerz, partner, Head of PCS  Paruch Chruściel Schiffter office in Wrocław.

PCS started its business on January 1 this year. Currently the law firm has offices in 5 Polish cities. The founding partners are: Sławomir Paruch, Łukasz Chruściel, Karolina Schiffter and Robert Stępień. PCS provides comprehensive and pragmatic support to companies within HR laws, including employment and labor law, global mobility and immigration, employment disputes and litigation, trade unions relations and collective bargaining, mobbing and harassment, data protection, social security, employees’ savings plans, social fund and others.

“The founding partners of PCS are well known in the Polish market as leaders in their fields. We are impressed by the strong team and client base they have cultivated and we are excited to further expand our services to employers operating in Central Europe with the addition of PCS to our global platform.” – said Tom Bender and Jeremy Roth, co-managing directors of Littler.

“Poland is a large and dynamic economy that plays an increasingly integral role in Central Europe. Not only has the country become a more popular destination for Western investment in recent decades, it fits perfectly with our presence across Germany and recent opening in Austria.” – explains Peter Susser, Littler’s Global Practice Leader and Chair of the firm’s International Employment Law Practice.

About PCS
PCS Paruch Chruściel Schiffter is currently the largest HR law firm in Poland. The PCS team is now comprised of 50 experienced lawyers, consultants and administrative staff. Our law firm has offices in five locations in Poland: Warszawa, Katowice, Kraków, Poznań and Wrocław. For more information, visit

About Littler
With more than 1,500 labor and employment attorneys in offices around the world, Littler provides workplace solutions that are local, everywhere. Our diverse team and proprietary technology foster a culture that celebrates original thinking, delivering groundbreaking innovation that prepares employers for what’s happening today, and what’s likely to happen tomorrow. For more information, visit

The shield will reduce severance payment. Many interpretative doubts connected with the project

– It can be argued that since employers undertook to pay benefits higher than the above-mentioned limit, they should pay them in a fixed amount. However, the economic situation has changed significantly and the new restriction is being introduced just to simplify the functioning of companies affected by these changes. In my opinion, the limit provided in the new shield should apply to all benefits specified in internal company regulations or at least those introduced before Shield 4.0 entered into force.- Robert Stępień, attorney-at-law and partner in law office PCS Paruch Chruściel Schiffter for Dziennik Gazeta Prawna.

Article is available here.

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