New measures regarding work and stay of foreigners in the Anti-crisis Shield 2.0
The amended Anti-crisis Shield includes changes aimed to further protect employers and foreigners against illegal stay or loss of right to work in Poland.
The following measures concerning right to work and stay of foreigners in Poland are currently in place after the amendment (changes as opposed to Anti-crisis Shield 1.0 are underlined):
(1) Automatic extension of Work Permits and statements about entrusting work to foreigner – permits that expire during epidemic will be automatically prolonged until 30 days after end of epidemic state.
(2) Polish National visas and Polish residence permits that expire during epidemic state will be automatically prolonged until 30 days after end of epidemic state.
(3) Foreigners who stay in Poland on the basis of documents other than Polish national visa or Polish Residence Permit also benefit from automatic extension of their stay provided that they were already staying in Poland on March 14, 2020.
(4) Foreigners who currently stay in Poland on the basis of documents other than Polish national visa or Polish Residence Permit and did not stay in Poland on March 14, 2020, will also be able to continue their stay in Poland past expiry of the document. However, they have to submit an appropriate application within 30 days from the end of epidemic state to benefit from extension.
(5) Extension of deadline to submit registration of stay of EU citizen. Deadline to submit application (90 days since last crossing of Polish border) is suspended for the period of epidemic state.
(6) Administrative proceedings are put on hold and any deadlines in immigration cases are suspended. Immigration Office can still issue a decision during period of suspension if application is complete and does not require any clarifications or amendments.
(7) Extension of time to leave Poland for foreigners who received a formal obligation to leave is introduced until 30 days after end of epidemic state.
(8) Automatic extension of documents confirming status of foreigners such as temporary statements of identity of asylum seekers and Pole Cards (Karta Polaka).
(9) Polish plastic identity cards (residence cards, Karta Pobytu) that expire during epidemic state will be automatically prolonged until 30 days after end of epidemic state.
(10) Facilitation of communication during pending processes. As a temporary measure, Immigration offices will have right to deliver letters to applicants electronically or substitute a mandatory personal visit to the office with a videochat.