#ALERT: Special law on help for Ukraine – equal status for Ukrainians regardless of the route of arrival to Poland
The first of the announced changes to the special law concerning Ukrainian citizens who came to Poland in connection with the ongoing war were published on Saturday of 26 March 2022.
- removal of the requirement for persons fleeing the war in Ukraine to directly cross the Polish-Ukrainian border. The special act on help for Ukraine will also cover those who entered Poland by other ways, e.g. through the border with Slovakia;
- in connection with the change of the scope of the special act – foreigners who have already come to Poland via another country will now be able e.g. to start work on the basis of a simplified procedure (it will be enough to report the start of work to the local labour office), obtain a PESEL in a special procedure, receive social benefits or register a business;
- persons who were temporarily outside Ukraine at the time of the outbreak of war (e.g. business trip, vacation) and due to the lack of possibility to return to their country came to Poland will also be recognized as persons fleeing from Ukraine;
- temporary suspension of the obligation to exchange Ukrainian driving licenses for Polish ones or to present a document confirming the right to use a vehicle, when the Ukrainian citizen is not its owner;
- clarification of the regulations concerning the stay in Poland of Ukrainian children who entered Poland without a parent – especially, the establishment of a register of such children staying in Poland.
The changes have effect from 24 February which means that they apply also to persons that had arrived to Poland earlier.
Other amendments to the special law on help for Ukraine are still in progress, e.g., concerning the provision of public housing to persons fleeing Ukraine.
We can expect that the Act will be amended many times.