HR Signal: The EU Whistleblowing Directive

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Long weekends for blood donors

Recently implemented solutions on additional days off for blood donors undoubtedly had good intentions. Unfortunately, in practice they may often be abused. Application of those regulations has to take into account employers’ interest in the need to properly plan the work process. These regulations cannot be free for anyone’s interpretation, and cannot deprive employers of the possibility to prevent chaotic and unforeseen changes in the organization of work. Such interpretation is even more justified if the provisions of work regulations would require prior agreement with supervisors on the terms of absence. Although even without such provisions, it is difficult to justify the employee’s right to freely decide on their absence. – Miłosz Awedyk and Mateusz Krajewski comment for Rzeczpospolita.

Full article in Polish avialible: here.

Company values vs. employee beliefs

New ESG reporting rules are coming, requiring companies to be more transparent about their social impact. This includes actions they take to fight discrimination and promote diversity and inclusion (D&I) in the workplace. These efforts can certainly help build a positive company image, boost trust and ultimately strengthen relationships with customers and employees. Employees are the backbone of any company, and their actions ultimately determine the success of a company’s mission and values. However, there can sometimes be a gap between an organization’s stated values and the personal beliefs of its employees. So, what can employers do in this scenario? Simply forcing employees to adopt company ideals can be counterproductive and even infringe on their individual rights. – Sławomir Paruch and Michał Włodarczyk comment for Rzeczpospolita.

Full article in Polish avialible: here.

Illegal employment of a foreigner less likely to be an offence. This may worsen the problem

The idea of ​​limiting the scope of the employer’s liability for entrusting an illegal immigrant to work to the intentional fault of the perpetrator is generally good and consistent with the current approach of the State Labor Inspectorate. In practice, the Inspectorate rarely seeks to punish the employer if, for example, they did not know and did not have the opportunity to find out about the illegal employment. However, the justification for the change in the presented project is certainly misguided – it suggests that an employer who is unaware of the regulations will not be punished. This is not true because ignorance of the law is not the essence of intent. If an employer, ignoring immigration laws, foresees the possibility of illegally employing a foreigner, they will still be held accountable. – Karolina Schiffter comments for Dziennik Gazeta Prawna.

Full article in Polish avialible: here.

Littler Global Guide – Poland – Q1 2024

Browse through brief employment and labor law updates from around the globe.

The latest headlines from Poland contains the following topics:

  • New Rules for Platform Workers Closer to Reality.
  • Increase to the Minimum Wage.
  • Law on Assistance to Ukrainians Extended.

Authors: Miłosz Awedyk and Michał Fijak.

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