HR Signal: The EU Whistleblowing Directive

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Littler – Local Implementation At a Glance

Together with our Littler colleagues, we have created a short guide with a focus on The Directive (EU) 2019/1152 on Transparent and Predictable Working Conditions in the European Union is hereinafter called “EU Working Conditions Directive”.

Poland (current as of July 2022).

If you would like to receive a full copy of this report, please get in touch with your usual contact at PCS | Littler or write at:


#Alert: New templates for applications for work permits and declarations on entrusting work to foreigners will take effect tomorrow (July 29)!

As of tomorrow, July 29, a new regulation of the Minister of Family and Social Policy on work permits and declarations on entrusting of work to foreigners will come into effect.

The new regulation refers in large part to the regulations currently in force, but it also contains solutions to make it easier for administrative bodies to carry out procedures for issuing work permits and entering declarations of entrustment of work to foreigners in the register of declarations. In addition, the new provisions clarify some issues concerning these proceedings, taking into account other regulations on the employment of foreigners or the needs of practice.

Unfortunately for employers and their attorneys, however, the new regulation may pose a serious organizational problem. In some cases, they will be forced to prepare new application forms and gather additional documentation to obtain the relevant permits.

The most significant changes introduced by the new regulation are presented below.

1.Clarification of the method of submitting applications for work permits, extending such permits and declarations on entrusting work to a foreigner in electronic form. It will be possible only through the IT system referred to in art. 4 sec. 1 point 8 of the Act on employment promotion and labor market institutions – currently this system is available on the portal (other options, e.g. submitting an application or declaration via the electronic inbox of a competent authority will not be possible).

2. Amendments to the procedure for issuing Labour Market Test (LMT), including:

  • the obligation of the labour office to refer to the employer only those candidates who meet the requirements set out in the job offer and express interest in taking up a job (in practice, this means that a person who meets the conditions set out in such an offer will be able to refuse to accept it without fear of losing the unemployed status),
  • clarification that the LMT is issued in the number of copies corresponding to the number of jobs for which no suitable candidates have been found,
  • clarification that each LMT will have an unique identification number, and the labor office will upload information about this number on the portal to enable the immigration authorities to see it in the course of the procedure for a work permit,
  • determination of the cases in which the labour office will be released from the obligation to accept a job offer and conduct proceedings for issuing LMT,
  • change of the LMT template.

3. Defining a new application form for a work permit. The new form provides for the requirement to provide new data, including:

  • the LMT number (if LMT required),
  • name and code of the profession appropriate for the foreigner’s job (according to the classification of professions and specialties for the needs of the labor market, available at; note: that the information on the name and code of the profession was required by the portal earlier, in the case of submitting applications through it, although the existing regulations did not specify this requirement, and
  • the function of the person signing the application (e.g. member of the management board, proxy, proxy).

4. Defining a new model of an application for an extension of work permits. The form changes significantly. The scope of data necessary to complete it has been significantly extended and in practice it will correspond to the model application for a work permit.

5. Specifying a new model of declarations on entrusting work to a foreigner. New model:

  • implements changes regarding declarations introduced by the Act of 17 December 2021 amending the Act on foreigners and certain other acts – includes, inter alia, abolition of the possibility of indicating partial periods of work in the declaration (in order to ensure that the total period of work does not exceed the maximum limit of 6 months in the next 12 months), and
  • will take into account the scope of basic duties at the foreigner’s work position – this requirement is inconsistent with the Act on employment promotion and labor market institutions and will be unfavorable for employers (placing these data in the declaration means that any change in this respect, even without changing the foreigner’s position, will require submitting a new declaration).

6. Changes to the so-called criminal declarations related to work permits, extensions of such permits and statements on entrusting work to a foreigner, including:

  • introducing new forms of such declarations,
  • clarification of the impossibility of signing such declarations by proxies (except for commercial proxies); declarations, as a rule, should come from the employer (or persons authorized to represent it, e.g. members of the management board – in the case of capital companies),
  • introducing the possibility of using declarations signed not earlier than 30 days before submitting the application (commonly used in practice also today).

7. Changes in the required documentation in matters relating to work permits, extensions of such permits and declarations, including:

  • introducing the principle of attaching to the application in paper or electronic form, respectively, only copies or scans of documents and presenting the originals only at the request of the authority,
  • lifting of the requirement to attach to the application a copy of an identity card or other document confirming the identity of the employer, who is a natural person,
  • clarification that LMT about a given identification number can only be attached to one application for a work permit,
  • lifting of the provisions providing for the possibility of submitting one copy of certain documents in the event that the employer submits applications for more than one foreigner at the same time,
  • obligation to submit only pages of the passport containing the foreigner’s personal data,
  • limitation of the requirement to present (i) the contract concluded between the entity entrusting the performance of work to the foreigner and the foreigner being the basis for the performance of work in accordance with the work permit and (ii) documents confirming the payment of social security contributions, if required, only for the extension of work permits type A.

The existing provisions will apply to procedures initiated and not completed before 29 July 2022. It is also possible to use the LMT issued on the basis of the hitherto provisions for the purposes of new proceedings.

#ALERT: Traveling not available to everyone who fled the war in Ukraine

Refugees from Ukraine will be able to travel e.g. between Poland and Ukraine or within the Schengen area. In some cases, foreigners may use previously obtained documents and do not have to visit the authorities again.

Poland notified the European Commission of two types of documents, which are therefore treated by other EU Member States as documents enabling their holders to travel.

Polish residence permits that will allow travelling are:

  • electronic document (called “”) available in the mobile application “mObywatel”, for people covered by the so-called Ukrainian Special Bill;
  • certificate of using temporary protection under European Union law (issued in paper form by the Office for Foreigners in Warsaw).

The above documents can be used to cross the external borders of the European Union and internal borders of Schengen zone.

The maximum period of stay in the countries of Schengen area (other than Poland) on the basis of these documents is up to 90 days (counting in the last 180 days). The stay in Poland is not included in this period. This is the same period of stay in other Schengen countries as for foreigners who have standard Polish residence cards.

We informed about what an electronic document is and how to obtain it in an earlier entry here.

However, the electronic document is only available to adults. This means that children under the age of 18 are not able to travel based on it. We hope that the government will work out a solution for this in the near future.

The above problem does not apply to certificates of using temporary protection. They are issued to foreigners regardless of their age. However, obtaining this certificate is limited mainly to citizens of countries other than Ukraine who previously resided in Ukrainian territory on the basis of e.g. permanent residence permit.

The Polish Border Guard emphasizes that foreigners should also hold a valid passport when traveling. This may be another problem for Ukrainians. Many of them left for Poland in a hurry, e.g. with an expired passport.

EU regulations also require that a passport of the traveller was issued no earlier than 10 years earlier. Many Ukrainian citizens did not have opportunity to obtain a new document. They chose to extend their passport in an Ukrainian consulate. Their passports may therefore be valid, but older than 10 years at the same time.

It is not known how other Schengen states will enforce the requirement on age of passport. In the past, the European Commission issued guidelines to EU member states to limit formalism in the treatment of refugees from Ukraine. We hope that similar guidelines will also be issued for person who would like to travel on the basis of a passport older than 10 years.

Job redundancy is an overrated reason for termination

If providing ‘redundancy’ as a reason for termination without any further explanation would be enough, it would mean that employee protection exists only on paper. Courts can examine whether such job redundancy was the actual reason for termination, so it is better to give a genuine reason.  – Sławomir Paruch and Ilona Zacharska comment for Dziennik Gazeta Prawna.

Article: here.

Littler Global Guide – Poland – Q2 2022

The guide includes labor & employment law updates from around the globe.

In publication you will find the following HR & legal updates:

  • Work-From-Home Will Finally Be a Part of the Labour Code;
  • Proposed Minimum Wage Will Increase Twice in 2023;
  • Poland Will Implement EU’s Work-Life Balance Directive;
  • The “Polish New Deal” Revised.

Littler Global Guide – Poland – Q2 2022.

If you would like to receive a full copy of this report, please get in touch with your usual contact at PCS | Littler or write at:

Government is about to stamp out labour exploitation. What will change in the employment of non-nationals?

In the face of new developments in the labour market, such as remote and platform working, the ministry’s proposal is a step backwards. Employers need flexibility in securing staff to handle assignments, regardless of whether they will be carried out by Poles or foreign nationals – Karolina Schiffter comments for Dziennik Gazeta Prawna.

Full article: here.

#ALERT: Special Bill on help to Ukrainian citizens – electronic document will allow travel

Ukrainian citizens who came to Poland in connection with the war often do not have possibility of traveling. They do not receive documents (such as a residence card) that are necessary to cross the Polish border. This is about to change soon. The government is working on making travel possible on the basis of an electronic document.

Ukrainian citizens who have registered with the municipal administration as refugees (covered by the so-called Special Bill) have the option of using an electronic identity document on their phone. It is an additional service available in the Polish mObywatel application. The planned change consists in extending the scope of functions of this document to the possibility of using it when crossing the border.

It is also planned that Poland will notify usage of this document to the European Commission. In this way, an electronic document (shown on the phone) will replace e.g. Polish visa for refugees from Ukraine. The electronic document itself will then enable them to travel to other countries of the Schengen area.

Ukrainian citizens who stay in Poland on the basis of the Special Bill should create an ePUAP profile. The ePUAP profile is required to log in to the mObywatel application and to start the electronic identity document service.

For persons who have not yet registered as refugees at the municipal administration, it is possible to create a profile during the registration procedure. For this purpose, the registration form contains additional fields to be completed. Refugees from Ukraine who did not set up an ePUAP profile beforehand can do it separately. To do this, you will need to visit the municipal administration again.

The new solution has no official date of entry into force. It is planned to proceed with the new solution quickly, therefore it may be introduced in the coming days.

Read to me, daddy! About fathers who decided to take paternity leave

In some companies, fathers who want to use parental leave are still frowned upon because that’s “a mother thing”. The planned legislation changes may have some impact on reinforcing the father’s role in childcare and combining work and family life more smoothly, but we would not expect a big revolution. – Karolina Schiffter and Bartosz Tomanek comment for the Dziennik Gazeta Prawna.

Article: here.

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