HR Signal: The EU Whistleblowing Directive

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#Alert: The European Commission (EC) proposes granting temporary protection to people seeking refuge in connection with the armed conflict in Ukraine.

The EC today launched the procedure for granting temporary protection to people who seek refuge in EU Member States due to the armed conflict in Ukraine. To this end, the Commission made a proposal to the EU Council today on this matter. This is an unprecedented event. Until now, this procedure has never been triggered.


According to the EC’ proposal, temporary protection is to be granted to Ukrainian citizens and residents and their family members displaced as a result of the conflict. Protection will also cover nationals of other third countries and stateless persons who have legally resided in Ukraine and who cannot return to their countries (this applies in particular to people who previously applied for asylum or international protection in Ukraine and their family members). People who can return safely to their country of origin will not benefit from the temporary protection. However, such persons will be ensured legal transit to their country of origin throughout the EU.


Granting temporary protection to the above persons will mean, in particular, that they will be provided with immediate right to stay, access to the labour market, social and medical assistance and education for children.


Ultimately, the protection is to be granted for a year. If the obstacles to the safe return of the above-mentioned persons to Ukraine will not cease, the period of protection may be extended by 6 months. If the obstacles cease earlier, the EC can propose the Council to shorten the period of this protection.


The basis for the Commission’s action in this matter is Directive 2001/55 / ​​EC. The purpose of this directive is to define minimum standards for temporary protection in the event of a mass influx of displaced persons from third countries who cannot return to their country of origin, in particular by guaranteeing them legal residence and quick access to the labor market in the Member States of the EU. Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine, over 650,000 people have fled to the EU countries. It is therefore not surprising that the EC has taken the necessary measures.


For now, everything is in the hands of the Council of the EU. The Council is to start considering the proposal on March 3.


We monitor the work of EU bodies and we will keep you informed about the progress.

#Alert: The Ministry is planning significant facilitations to the legalization of work and stay of refugees from Ukraine

The Ministry of Family and Social Policy has announced that Ukrainian citizens who entered Poland on February 24, 2022 or later will most likely be able to legally stay in Poland for the next 18 months. It is not yet known whether such persons will have to obtain a residence card or whether the right to stay will be granted automatically by operation of law without the need to complete any formalities.


For the employment of such a person, it will not be necessary to obtain a declaration of entrusting the performance of work. The employer will only need to submit an electronic notice of employment within 7 days of starting work.


Bearing in mind the above planned solutions, we do not recommend applying for refugee status by people who fled Ukraine because of the war. The procedure for obtaining the refugee status is very time-consuming, and the envisaged special act will most likely implement procedures for legalizing stay and work that are much more favorable to Ukrainians.


We monitor the works on the special act and we will keep you informed about their progress.


Webinar: How employers can help Ukraine?

We would like to invite you to join our webinar: How can employers help Ukraine?

At the event, we will discuss such issues as:

  • Rules of entry to Poland;
  • Residence permits for refugees from Ukraine;
  • Taking up employment after arrival;
  • Can Ukrainian employees in Poland be called up for service in the Ukrainian army.

Date: 2 March, 3.00 – 3.45 pm CET, online.

Free entry.

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