HR Signal: The EU Whistleblowing Directive

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#ALERT: Bill regarding verification of negative test results and COVID-19 vaccinations

Finally, there is the long-awaited bill regarding verification of negative test results and COVID-19 vaccinations. These are solutions that we have been talking about for a long time and, in our view, even without a change in the law, have been and still are allowed.

The legislation decides that in the interest of safety an employer will be able to request information about a negative test result, while a covid passport will waive this requirement!

The bill also provides for possible action against employees who refuse to take a test or provide the data. The question is whether this is a closed catalog and whether employers will be authorized to take other actions that they deem effective!

We describe the highlights of the bill below:

1.Employers will be able to require employees (individuals employed under civil law contracts) to provide information about having a negative coronavirus test result (taken up to 48h before presentation). The employee will be required to provide this data whenever requested by the employer. As a general rule, the employee will provide this data in the form of a statement. The employer will be able to request that the data be documented by showing a negative test result.

2. Employees (and those employed under civil law contracts) will be able to test for SARS-CoV-2 free of charge. The tests will be financed from public funds. This solution will provide a universal possibility to test employees.

3. If an employee provides information to the employer that he/she has recovered from a SARS-CoV-2 infection or has a COVID-19 vaccination, he/she will be exempt from the obligation to provide information about having a negative test result. The employer will be able to request that the data be documented by showing a medical certificate of having had the illness or a certificate of vaccination.
In practice, verification will be done through a provided application scanning the so-called covid passport.

4.The employer will be permitted to retain relevant data for the period necessary to fulfill the purpose of the regulation (i.e. as long as is necessary to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in the workplace), but no longer than the expiration of the state of epidemic threat or state of epidemic.

5. If an employee refuses to provide information, the employer will treat such employee as not having a negative test result/convalescent status/COVID-19 vaccination.

6. In the case of an employee who has provided information about having no test (no convalescent status/no vaccination) or has refused to provide the information, the employer will be able to:

  • make a change in the workplace or other place designated for performance of work, including the manner in which employees perform their work;
  • make changes to the employees’ work time systems or schedules;
  • instruct the employee to perform work outside the workplace specified in the contract, within the same locality, or assign the employee to another type of work for remuneration corresponding to the type of work, not lower than the previous one.

7. The employer’s actions will not constitute a violation of equal opportunity in employment.

QR codes can boost organisational performance and help fight climate change

New technologies are entering into the daily operations of companies at an ever-accelerating pace. Employers reach for new technological solutions not only by ubiquitous digitalisation, but also by concern for ecology. Many companies attach significant importance to raising environmental awareness of their employees. Through pro-environmental activities they strengthen the sense of responsibility for the environment among their staff. – Bartosz Wszeborowski, Michal Bodziony and Kinga Ciosk comment for Contact Online issued by the British Polish Chamber of Commerce (BPCC).

Article: here. 

#Alert: New testing requirements on entry to Poland from outside UE applicable from tomorrow

From 15 December until 31 January 2022 travellers entering Poland from outside UE will be subject to 14 days of quarantine unless they present confirmation of negative result of a COVID test in Polish or English.

The test has to be performed no less than 24 hours before crossing Polish border. The 24 hour period is calculated since results of the Covid test..

The technology of the Covid test is currently not limited only to PCR tests – other types of test are accepted. We expect this may be amended in a close period, to unify requirements for tests required for entry to Poland.

Only two groups will be exempt from testing:

  • pupils of Polish schools or schools in a neighbour country with their guardians travelling together)
  • children enrolled to Polish kindergartens or kindergartens in a neighbour country (with their guardians travelling together)

Other groups of travellers (such as persons already fully vaccinated against Covid or workers) will have to present a Covid test.

The above restrictions do not apply to persons whose last stretch of travel to Poland is from another EU country. Such travellers are subject to previous (more relaxed) rules, that e.g. allow to avoid quarantine by presenting confirmation of EU-approved vaccination.

Only persons entering Poland directly from outside UE are subject to above new restrictions.


Being Santa Claus is not obligatory – charity events only for volunteers

Employer cannot pressure workers to participate in charity events. Such initiatives should be treated as volunteering. Obviously, the employer should encourage participation in such initiatives, but may not require employees to participate in them or take any consequences due to their non-participation. – Bartosz Wszeborowski comments for

Article: here.

Sick leave due to burnout from January 1st? Not so obvious

For some time, the media has been reporting that from January 1st, 2022, the long-awaited possibility of obtaining sick leave due to burnout will appear. Unfortunately, this information is not entirely true and may mislead employees and employers. Sick leave due to burnout will not be so obvious. – Bartosz Tomanek and Oskar Kwiatkowski comment for IT-Leaders.

Article: here.

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