HR Signal: The EU Whistleblowing Directive

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Position of a member of management board will not expire with the function

The Supreme Court ruled that the employer was not required to submit additional declaration of intent regarding the termination of the employment contract, since it was concluded for the duration of the function on the management board. Under current law, the situation is quite different. – Kinga Polewka-Włoch comments for Rzeczpospolita.

Article here.

Data protection and working from home

The coronavirus pandemic made home offices a common phenomenon among office workers. First regulations in this area were quickly introduced in the so-called special anti-crisis act, however they are temporary and quite general. Comprehensive regulations are planned to regulate remote work permanently in the Labour Code – Paweł Sych comments for PZZW Magazine.

Article: here.

Trade Unions: An inter-company trade union? All involved employers should participate in the proceedings

It is common for employers to participate in the proceedings to determine the number of trade union members. It stems from the fact that the outcome of the proceedings affects the rights and obligations of the employer. The size of the trade union determines its specific rights (e.g. representativeness, exemption from the obligation to provide work, special employment protection, etc.) and the employer’s corresponding obligations.

Consequently, if the proceedings concern an inter-company organisation covering more than one employer, the court should summon all these employers to participate in the case as interested parties.

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