HR Signal: The EU Whistleblowing Directive

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Dismissal for lack of vaccination against COVID-19? Sometimes it may be acceptable

There are already employers who let employees go because of their refusal to get vaccinated against COVID-19. However, when making such decision employers tread on thin ice. And probably only some of them will be able to defend accusations before the labor court.- Sławomir Paruch, Robert Stępień and Paweł Sych comment for Dziennik Gazeta Prawna.

Full article: here.

How to prepare for the National Labor Inspectorate’s audit concerning the anti-crisis shield provisions

The National Labor Inspectorate (PIP) has announced that, as part of the inspections carried out this year, it will check compliance with the legal solutions introduced by the provisions of the anti-crisis shield. Considering the pace of changes and the related interpretative doubts, it cannot be ruled out that employers use the available tools incorrectly. – Pawel Sych comments for Dziennik Gazeta Prawna.

Article: here.

Can UK nationals work in Poland or travel to Poland in business after the end of Brexit transition period?

31 December 2020 marked the end of 11-month transition period following the UK’s withdrawal from the EU on 31 January 2020. From 1 January 2021, only a specific category of UK nationals – the so-called withdrawal agreement beneficiaries – have retained this right. The post-Brexit rules for working and conducting business in Poland are complicated for both UK nationals and the companies who employ them – how should you navigate them without running into legal trouble? – Tomasz Rogala comments for Contact Online.

Article here. 

Social Security Institution. End of high-level sick pay for entrepreneurs?

The Act on cash benefits from social insurance differentiates between employees and self-employed. But in many respects the legislator treats entrepreneurs noticeably less favourably, and its seems such an approach is not guided merely by the requirements of the assessment basis for social security contributions – Łukasz Chruściel comments for

Full article: here.

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