HR Signal: The EU Whistleblowing Directive

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PCS Paruch Chruściel Schiffter strengthens the Litigation Team. Marcin Szlasa-Rokicki, attorney-at-law has joined PCS attorney-at-law joined PCS to manage the work of this team.

At the beginning of May Marcin Szlasa-Rokicki, attorney-at-law joined PCS Paruch Chruściel Schiffter team. Marcin has been associated with labor law since the beginning of his professional career and this field of law is not only work, but also his passion.

Marcin is experienced in ongoing consulting in various areas of HR law that includes developing contracts and employee documentation, contracts with senior management, internal regulations and policies as well as documents terminating employment contracts.

He represents clients in court proceedings, participates in mediations and negotiations, as well as group redundancies and company transfer transactions. In his experience he has effective handling of employee matters of a different nature, including discriminatory and mobbing cases. He has also conducted cases in which the value of employee claims reached several million zlotys.

His consultancy also covers the protection of privacy and personal data in the field of HR, employee monitoring, protection of whistleblowers, protection of business secrets and employee benefits.

At PCS, Marcin will direct the Litigation Team. As part of PCS, this team represents clients in HR litigation throughout Poland. PCS offices in Warsaw, Katowice, Krakow, Poznań and Wrocław allow clients to handle cases taking into account local conditions as well as efficiently and cost-effectively.

PCS is the HR law firm providing comprehensive and pragmatic support to companies within HR laws, including employment and labor law, global mobility and immigration, employment disputes and litigation, trade unions relations and collective bargaining, mobbing and harassment, data protection, social security, employees’ savings plans, social fund and others.

The 4 founding partners of PCS are: Karolina Schiffter, Łukasz Chruściel, Robert Stępień. PCS follows the professional legacy of its founding partners. PCS team consists of approx. 50 experienced lawyers, immigration consultants and administrative support.

Dispute over contributions to PPK during downtime due to the epidemic

Some lawyers do not question PFR’s interpretation. According to Sandra Szybak-Bizacka, attorney-at-law at the PCS Paruch Chruściel Schiffter office, although the PPK Act does not refer directly to the new regulations introduced in connection with Covid-19, Art. 15g paragraph 5 explicitly provides that remuneration subsidies “are paid during periods of economic downtime or reduced working time referred to in Art. 2 of the Act of 11 October 2013 on special solutions related to the protection of work posts.


Article is available here.

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